
Saturday, July 29, 2006


please go see the movie "I am Sam"....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Dream On,

Last night was the stormiest I have seen in Tempe. For a few hours rain, lightning and thunder entertained the people at Tempe, who in all probability have forgotten about this commonly occurring (in other parts of are blessed planet) natural phenomena called ‘rain’. Of course you had the few who continued chatting with friends online in their couch , others who couldn’t miss a moment of ‘sex in the city’ and some were satisfied after a perfunctory peep out their window, but I was outside trying to get some pictures. I would never have guessed that lighting and thunder and a prospect of a good picture can get me so excited and crazy. I spent hours trying, but with no tripod, no access to a roof, and my paranoia about my camera getting wet, it was not looking good.
Guessing where the next strike would be was rather interesting; I knew that once a bolt happened, it would take a while before the charge increments to a potential high enough to create lightning again... so no point focusing the camera in the same portion of the sky. So I see two main could regions south and south east with lot of lighting activity… perfect, I thought I can alternate between the two.
Crack!! A large strike dead south... (Remember recharge time), so I point towards S.E with a shutter period of 15 seconds. My camera takes extended shutter periods, so a 15 second shutter interval requires another 15 seconds of processing before its ready to shoot again.

I’m holding as still as I can, pointing S.E (remember no tripod) and click, capturing image… and Crack, WHIP, Crack!! Three fantastic lightning strikes in the SOUTH!!!

So obviously it takes less than 15 second for charge to build up in thunder clouds.

No sweat, reduce shutter period to 8 seconds, the S.E cloud was inactive for around 30 seconds… oh boy was it ready to lash out now!!

Same routine, point S.E, Clicked, Holding steady… capturing image…waiting… 8 seconds pass… camera is now processing… and the WHOLE sky turns hot pink, an inter-cloud discharge ,a bolt spanning many miles, moments later BANG, it's shockwave!! Now the clouds down south compete, multiple strikes like what I have seen in NGC!! Fireworks stop, I close my gapping mouth, look down at my sweet little camera, its status light turns green…so now it’s ready to shoot!!

You can guess, the next one hour was … well bitter sweet… sigh

Here are some of my reletively better results.

I had a very disturbed sleep that night because, the AC was not getting my room cool, I shift to another bedroom, and there were bed bugs… Weirdest thing, I dreamt I was in a lightning storm, the most brilliant displays I have ever seen, and against the flashes in the background I see a parachute drifting down. It fell right beside me, the payload a well sealed box. Open it… Cannon EOS Rebel! Another parachute… a set of wide angle and tele zoom lens, and I don’t remember how but a tripod popped out of somewhere too.

Happy, sleep… late for work next morning...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Better of

I was pubbing the other night and we were being served by a pretty waitress, being pretty I guess that comes with the job descriptions so that’s not saying much, but she was also pregnant with a baby. Although I don’t know much about pregnancy, and I have received education on such topics only though over dramatized Tamil and Hindi movies, but I could tell that her baby had been in there a while! (Her tee was kind of making way for her expanding stomach).
So we ordered drinks and being ladies and gentlemen that we are, began chatting about whether she was really pregnant or not the moment she turned her back. Her service was not good; first some guy brought the silverware, no plates though. Then the food we ordered no beer as yet. Not that we expected five star treatment from a college bar, but it was a minor case of poor service. Then she came carrying the pitcher and placed it on the table.

“I’m really sorry you guys...” she began, “ this guy was too drunk and out of control I had to deal with him ..Something something something (I still can’t get the American accent)”.
Some stupid drunk messed her up a bit, I don’t know what happened but this was not pleasant. What makes this girl work till 2 am at a bar, with people getting drunk, and “out of control” when she is pregnant? This along with the beer not being very cold made it a little sad.

We chatted about all the things people high on beer and apple martini chat about.

Expecting another friend to join us I was hoping to get the attention of someone who could get another chair for us. About the same time when my friend showed up, the waitress came along to inquire if we need to get something else, we did get something else and I blindsided by the shortage of chairs at the table asked her to get another chair. Now I don’t know if I have imagined this but she didn’t look happy about my demand, she suddenly looked tired and I noticed she had dark rings under her eyes, and her smile was much diffused. To make things worse, a group of people left and there were empty chairs few tables away, she went up there and carried a chair for us. The few steps she took with the chair was obviously not very easy, my friend took the chair form her before she had to walk to our table and thanked her.

Again I don’t know if she looked at me alone when she asked, “Is there anything else …”

Before leaving I thanked her while walking out, and mentioned that I signed the bill was at the table. I tipped her a little more than 10%.

We noticed this and my friend was like I guess I feel better of when I see people like the waitress. I agreed but I don’t know if the feeling is comfort or relief but whatever it is, the reason why it’s there is not to be happy about.


"love always teaches you a thing or two.. sometimes things you dont want to learn"

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Note to Self

I tend to get as stupid or smart as the people around me. Is that a weakness?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I think so ..

I am, so I think... and ponder, imagine, wonder, reflect,daydream..

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Handsome and obsessive - romantic
Ugly and obsessive - creepy

Monday, July 17, 2006

if there is a moral at the end of your story ... end it.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

tempe is ugly... berekely is beautiful

more later.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Simple stuff...

Truth - that you can explain to yourself based on what you know to be true.

Lies - that you can't explain to yourself, but can explain to others based on what they don't know to be true.

: )